calcDeltasForRatio(uint128[] memory tokensHeld, uint128[] memory reserves, uint256[] calldata ratio) external virtual override view returns(int256[] memory deltas)

/// @dev Calculate quantities to trade to rebalance collateral to desired `ratio`
/// @param tokensHeld - loan collateral to rebalance
/// @param reserves - reserve token quantities in CFMM
/// @param ratio - desired ratio of collateral
/// @return deltas - amount of collateral to trade to achieve desired `ratio`
function calcDeltasForRatio(uint128[] memory tokensHeld, uint128[] memory reserves, uint256[] calldata ratio) external virtual override view returns(int256[] memory deltas) {
    deltas = _calcDeltasForRatio(tokensHeld, reserves, ratio);

///@dev See {LongStrategy-_calcDeltasForRatio}.
function _calcDeltasForRatio(uint128[] memory tokensHeld, uint128[] memory reserves, uint256[] calldata ratio) internal virtual override view returns(int256[] memory deltas) {
    deltas = new int256[](2);
    (uint128 reserve0, uint128 reserve1) = (reserves[0], reserves[1]);
    uint256 factor0 = 10 ** s.decimals[0];
    uint256 desiredRatio = ratio[1] * factor0 / ratio[0];
    uint256 loanRatio = tokensHeld[1] * factor0 / tokensHeld[0];

    // we're always going to buy, therefore when desiredRatio > loanRatio, invert reserves, collaterals, and desiredRatio
    if(desiredRatio > loanRatio) { // sell token0, buy token1 (need more token1)
        (tokensHeld[0], tokensHeld[1]) = (tokensHeld[1], tokensHeld[0]); // invert collateral
        uint256 factor1 = 10 ** s.decimals[1];
        desiredRatio = factor0 * factor1 / desiredRatio; // invert price
        deltas = calcDeltasForRatio(desiredRatio, reserve1, reserve0, tokensHeld, factor1, false); // always buying
        (deltas[0], deltas[1]) = (0, deltas[0]); // revert results
    } else if(desiredRatio < loanRatio) { // buy token0, sell token1 (need more token0)
        deltas = calcDeltasForRatio(desiredRatio, reserve0, reserve1, tokensHeld, factor0, false); // always buying
        deltas[1] = 0;
    } else {
        (deltas[0], deltas[1]) = (0, 0); // no trade

///@dev See calculate quantities to trade to rebalance collateral (`tokensHeld`) to the desired `ratio`
///@notice The calculation takes into consideration the market impact the transaction would have
///@notice The eqution is derived from solving the quadratic root formula taking into account trading fees
///@notice default is selling (-a), so if side is true (sell), switch bIsNeg and remove fee from B in b calc
///@notice buying should always give us a positive number, if the response is a negative number, then the result is not good
///@notice A positive quadratic root means buying, a negative quadratic root means selling
///@notice We can flip the reserves, tokensHeld, and ratio to make a buy a sell or a sell a buy
///@notice side = 0 (false) => buy, side = 1 (true)  => sell
///@param ratio - desired ratio we wish collateral (`tokensHeld`) to have
///@param reserve0 - reserve quantity of token0 in CFMM
///@param reserve1 - reserve quantity of token1 in CFMM
///@param tokensHeld - collateral to rebalance
///@param factor - decimals expansion number of first token (e.g. 10^(token0's decimals))
///@param side - side of token to rebalance
///@return deltas - quadratic roots (quantities to trade). The first quadratic root (index 0) is the only feasible trade
function calcDeltasForRatio(uint256 ratio, uint128 reserve0, uint128 reserve1, uint128[] memory tokensHeld, uint256 factor, bool side) public virtual view returns(int256[] memory deltas) {
    uint256 fee1 = tradingFee1;
    uint256 fee2 = tradingFee2;
    // must negate
    uint256 a = fee1 * ratio / fee2;
    // must negate
    bool bIsNeg;
    deltas = new int256[](2);
    uint256 b;
        uint256 leftVal;
            uint256 A_times_Phi = tokensHeld[0] * fee1 / fee2;
            uint256 A_hat_times_Phi = side ? reserve0 : reserve0 * fee1 / fee2;
            bIsNeg = A_hat_times_Phi < A_times_Phi;
            leftVal = (bIsNeg ? A_times_Phi - A_hat_times_Phi : A_hat_times_Phi - A_times_Phi) * ratio / factor;
        uint256 rightVal = side ? (tokensHeld[1] + reserve1) * fee1 / fee2 : (tokensHeld[1] * fee1 / fee2) + reserve1;
        if(bIsNeg) { // leftVal < 0
            bIsNeg = leftVal < rightVal;
            if(bIsNeg) {
                b = rightVal - leftVal;
            } else {
                b = leftVal - rightVal;
        } else {
            b = leftVal + rightVal;
            bIsNeg = true;
        bIsNeg = side == false ? !bIsNeg : bIsNeg;

    uint256 det;
        uint256 leftVal = tokensHeld[0] * ratio / factor;
        bool cIsNeg = leftVal < tokensHeld[1];
        uint256 c = (cIsNeg ? tokensHeld[1] - leftVal : leftVal - tokensHeld[1]) * reserve0 * (side ? 1 : fee1 ); // B*A decimals
        c = side ? c : c / fee2;
        uint256 ac4 = 4 * c * a / factor;
        det = Math.sqrt(!cIsNeg ? b**2 + ac4 : b**2 - ac4); // should check here that won't get an imaginary number

    // remember that a is always negative
    // root = (-b +/- det)/(2a)
    if(bIsNeg) { // b < 0
        // plus version
        // (b + det)/-2a = -(b + det)/2a
        // this is always negative
        deltas[0] = -int256((b + det) * factor / (2*a));

        // minus version
        // (b - det)/-2a = (det-b)/2a
        if(det > b) {
            // x2 is positive
            deltas[1] = int256((det - b) * factor / (2*a));
        } else {
            // x2 is negative
            deltas[1]= -int256((b - det) * factor / (2*a));
    } else { // b > 0
        // plus version
        // (-b + det)/-2a = (b - det)/2a
        if(b > det) {
            //  x1 is positive
            deltas[0] = int256((b - det) * factor / (2*a));
        } else {
            //  x1 is negative
            deltas[0] = -int256((det - b) * factor / (2*a));

        // minus version
        // (-b - det)/-2a = (b+det)/2a
        deltas[1] = int256((b + det) * factor / (2*a));

calcDeltasForRatio calculates the quantities necessary to trade to make the collateral ratio match the specified ratio provided in the ratio array parameter. This function calls the internal function _calcDeltasForRatio, which determines whether the contract should buy or sell more of the collateral token to get rid of, which then calls the public calcDeltasForRatio to calculate the required quantities to trade. The contract always buys so if it determines that it should sell tokenA then it will choose to buy tokenB, since buying tokenB is the same as selling tokenA.

Unlike calcDeltasToClose, this function does not ignore the trading fees. In addition, this function is not concerned with the ending price of the CFMM. The goal of the formula is to figure out how much to trade so that the collateral ratio will be a desired number, taking into account trading fees and the fact that the transaction will result in slippage from the current price.


The formula for the above function to be able to close the position is the following.


A = Quantity of collateral tokenA

B = Quantity of collateral tokenB

A_hat = Quantity of reserves of tokenA in CFMM

B_hat = Quantity of reserves of tokenB in CFMM

P = target price (ratio parameter)

f = 1 - trading fee (e.g. if trading fee of 0.3%, then f = 0.997)

When buying tokenA to achieve the desired target price P use the following formula

a = -f*P

b = [(A_hat - A)fP + (B*f + B_hat)]